Working with Vantage Faculty & Staff
Current positions within Vantage College are described below. For additional opportunities within UBC, please view the faculty and staff postings on the UBC Careers page.
Lecturer Position, Academic English Program
UBC Vantage College
The University of British Columbia
Situated on the unceded, ancestral, and traditional territories of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ speaking Musqueam people, UBC Vantage College invites applications for one or more Lecturer position(s) with the Academic English Program. The application deadline is February 15, 2025.
Position details
The lecturer position is a five year appointment (non-tenure track), with the possibility of renewal. The renewal is subject to availability of funds, satisfactory performance and University policies. Successful applicants are expected to carry a full workload (teaching plus administrative/service duties) of 24 credits plus service contributions.
Selected applicants will be expected to teach undergraduate credit-bearing courses offered through the Academic English Program at UBC Vantage College; contribute to curriculum, syllabus, and materials development; collaborate with instructors from the partner faculties; participate in UBC-Vantage College academic preparation activities; attend course planning and program-related meetings; contribute to the program through service on committees; and provide academic support to students (e.g., through regular tutorials and workshops), as needed. Teaching unless otherwise specified is in person. Specific workload assignments vary year to year depending on teaching needs.
Successful applicants will work closely with the Academic English Program Director and other members of the instructional team at UBC Vantage College, which includes academic English and disciplinary-area faculty members across the faculties of Applied Sciences, Arts, and Science.
The start date is July 1, 2025 and the end date is June 30, 2030
Salary is commensurate with qualification and experience. All positions are subject to final budgetary approval.
Qualifications and expected applicant profile
Applicants should hold a PhD or Master’s degree in Teaching English as a Second/Additional Language, Applied Linguistics, Second Language Writing, English for Academic Purposes, Educational Linguistics or a related discipline.
The academic English courses in Vantage One programs have been designed drawing on genre-based pedagogies following Systemic Functional Linguistics. As such, we're looking for candidates with the following knowledge, skills/abilities, and pedagogical orientations:
- A strong foundation in socio-cultural approaches to research and pedagogy and/or educational linguistics, and familiarity with (ideally also with pedagogical experience informed by) the following genre/register-based approaches: systemic functional linguistics (e.g., Halliday, Martin, and colleagues), ESP (e.g., Swales), and/or associated corpus approaches (e.g., Biber, Hyland, Gardner).
- Substantial experience teaching English for academic purposes to undergraduate students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds in Canadian contexts.
- A minimum of five years of demonstrable successful, full-time English for Academic Purposes instruction at the tertiary level. Experience designing and teaching EAP adjunct course and academic writing courses, preferably.
- Familiarity with CLIL/CBI (content and language integrated learning/content-based instruction); task-based instruction; multi-literacies and multimodal pedagogies.
- A principled approach to curriculum and materials design guided by UDL principles (in face-to-face as well as in technology-mediated modes); pedagogical approaches grounded in sound research and theory in the field of EAP; familiarity with second language assessment principles and practices.
- Familiarity with Arts (Social Science and Humanities), Engineering, and/or Science discourse, and ability to work with subject specialists in these areas. Previous experiences of collaboration with disciplinary instructors are also highly relevant for the position.
- Familiarity with quantitative and qualitative research methods; ideally with experience in carrying out research that led to peer reviewed publications, conference presentations, and/or other forms of scholarly knowledge mobilization.
- A commitment to social justice through embracing equity, diversity, inclusion and decolonial perspectives in teaching and service.
Additionally, ideal candidates will demonstrate a passion for language education as well as awareness of strategies to fully engage students in their (language) learning trajectories.
Commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization
UBC and Vantage College are committed to creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive academic community. Preference will be given to applicants with a strong commitment to fostering diversity and inclusivity as demonstrated through their interest and expertise in decolonizing, reconciliation, anti-racist, and social justice approaches in their teaching and service.
About UBC Vantage College
UBC Vantage College offers a first-year credit-bearing enriched curriculum for international students who need to improve their academic English proficiency. Upon successful completion of their first year in the program, Vantage One students are able to register in the second year of a BA, BSc, BASC or BMGT at UBC. The innovative Vantage One program streams in Arts, Engineering, Management and Science integrate new educational technologies, subject-area courses, and English for Academic Purposes courses. For more information on UBC Vantage College, please see
The Academic English Program (AEP) courses include two foundational credit-bearing academic reading and writing courses (LLED 200 and LLED 201) and a series of credit-bearing adjunct courses (VANT 140) linked to disciplines represented in the required courses across the Vantage One programs. AEP lecturers design curricula and custom-made lessons and materials, as well as collaborate with disciplinary instructors and academic advisors to better scaffold the student experience.
Vantage College provides a highly dynamic, stimulating as well as demanding teaching and learning environment, and has established itself as a place for pedagogical innovation in first year undergraduate programming embedding English for academic purposes instruction. We are seeking individuals with experience in and passion for EAP teaching and curriculum and materials development, as well as a keen interest in professional growth.
Application instructions
Applicants should submit the following information and supporting documentation:
(a) a detailed cover letter addressing how the applicant meets specific criteria for the position.
(b) a detailed CV (i.e., including information helpful to understand the courses taught as well as the institutional/teaching contexts);
(c) a statement about the linguistic and language learning theoretical approaches underlying their EAP pedagogy;
(d) evidence or record of teaching effectiveness.
Teaching effectiveness can be demonstrated via the inclusion of sample copies of institutional student evaluations of teaching as well as an overall summary (e.g., compilation of results and inclusion of sample comments) of student evaluations from the different teaching contexts; official/institutional teaching observation reports completed by either a supervisor or qualified colleague).
(e) The name and contact information of three referees that can speak to the applicants’ previous teaching experience. Referees will only be contacted by Vantage for shortlisted applicants.
Completed application packages should be sent electronically as PDF or Word documents to Please indicate in the subject line: UBC Vantage College AEP Lecturer Position. Enquiries should also be sent to the same e-mail address.
The application deadline is February 15, 2025, or until the position is filled.
Receipt of application submissions will be confirmed by e-mail. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to an interview to take place in the Spring. All applicants will be contacted once the search process is completed.
Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the British Columbia Human Rights Cide, including sex, sexual orientation gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, martial or family status, age, and/or status as First Nations, Metis, Inuit, or Indigenous person. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority.